Charge John Howard
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Welcome to the Charge John Howard website.

So the Prime Minister has decided to head off parliamentary scrutiny over the Mike Scrafton/Children Overboard kerfuffle by calling an October 9 election. It is interesting to note that this date could have been set by visiting with the Governor General at any time before September 7 and, as he was already on the unofficial election trail, the only obvious benefit to starting the longest election campaign in twenty years was to prevent the lower house from sitting again and grilling him over his lies.

Many of our readers may be asking how this news effects the push to see John Howard charged.

In theory it matters not one iota. The man is a criminal and come win, lose, election or no election, nothing is going to change that.

In practice, however, we would like to see John Howard arrested before he loses office. We can also see an opportunity, with all the media interest surrounding the election, for our message to become "newsworthy". This would give us access to an audience far greater than we have been able to reach in the last couple of months, and may just raise the cry for accountability from our elected representatives to a critical level.

Ultimately, John Howard must face criminal justice. He claims his justice will be decided at the ballot box, but a $34,000 handshake from the Australian people, $34,000 a year + perks, every year for the rest of his life, would be a gross perversion of the spirit of the word justice.

We are now working towards a gathering on or around September 25 (two weeks before the election) to file multiple complaints with our law enforcement agencies. The time between now and then will be spent reaching out to as many people as possible, and letting them know they are not helpless. Every voice counts.

So please, keep sending the emails of support, sharing our articles with your friends and family, and maybe a donation if you are so inclined. (We want to get a lot of printing done in the next few weeks) If you can string a few words together, send us an article or simply post your ideas to our comments page.


Our purpose is to raise people's awareness of the crimes committed by the Prime Minister of Australia, John Winston Howard, and that unless Australians demand accountability from our government, and their subsidiary agencies, he will have gotten away with some of the most heinous crimes ever committed on this planet.

The plan of this website is to publish articles detailing the crimes John Howard has committed, and the fact he thinks he can get away with it. We plan to gather professional legal advice and to ultimately bring a group of people together to formally complain to the relevant authorities. The idea is that if our law enforcement agencies aren't prepared to act on their own volition, we will have to give them a little prod along.

John Howard currently plans to retire at some point in the relatively near future and live out his days very comfortably at the Australian taxpayers' expense. What would you expect for yourself if every day, the newspapers were awash with stories of the murders you have committed and the lies you told, and were caught telling.

Just like you would expect to face justice, in the form of a ticket and loss of demerit points, for getting caught speeding, or court and a possible jail term for getting caught shoplifting, John Howard must face the same legal system. He, just like every other Australian, is not above the law.

To be kept up to date with developments on this site, feel free to join our mailing list.

Please share this web address with as many people as you can. We can't make a difference unless everyone is aware of just what is going on.

We welcome all feedback and any possible contributions.

Latest Articles.

Two down, one to go: Blair and Bush face impeachment - What about our own Man of Steal? notes George Bush and Tony Blair are both currently facing calls for impeachment over their unprovoked illegal attack on Iraq. It was illegal by international law, it was illegal by US law, it was illegal by British law, and it was illegal by Australian law. Will Australians now have the backbone to see John Howard face justice?

Anti John Howard conspiracy theories?
Perhaps we have been too harsh with the Prime Minister. An email received this week has had us here at rethinking our ideas.

Are all these "John Howard is a criminal liar" claims simply a bunch of conspiracy theories thrown up to effect the election, you be the judge:

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